Monday, March 30, 2009

March 2009- life around here

Ali came over after the zoo and had a sleepover here. They had alot of fun!

Their favorite thing to do was play dress up. There were clothes all over the house, and it only got worse after I decided to clean out our closet, and came across some of the clothes I bought for dress up days in high school... I'm very glad I kept that stuff!

Oma (my mom) gave Kyleigh some moon sand for her birthday. She loves playing with it. Here is the "castle" she made.

Mikenzie and Kyleigh "helping" dad do paperwork.

Mikenzie and myself... Yay, no boogers!!... for her!


  1. and more nice pictures! Love their dressup clothes...esp. Kyleigh's!

  2. Wow, lots of posts since I checked last! Congrats on the new vehicle! We just bought a house!!! Very exciting - we get it May 27.
