Tuesday, December 23, 2008

So, I wanted to post a pic of the quilt I have been making for our bed. The walls are the teal and dark brown, and I was told by alot of people that a black and white quilt would look good, so I went with it. I happened to bump into a lady who has been teaching begginer quilting, and she helped me pick out the material, pattern, and gave me alot of pointers. I was very glad I bumped into her. Here is a pic of one of the squares. I am scarred to get the top done, because I might get anxious, and slap the rest of it together... I haven't actually quilted a quilt together before, I only tacked them, and I actually want to get this one done right. I'm sure I'll get it all figured out!

So our week has been going great! We haven't had as much snow as they predicted, just ALOT of wind. I uess the bellingham, ferndale area got the snow, and we got the wind. Oh well, it sure is cold anyway. We took a pic of us in the snow, it was freezing, we were only out there for about 5 min, and were chilled to the bone!

Here is a pic of Kyleigh. She did a nose plant on the floor yesturday, and insisted on having one of "daddy's stickers" on it to help it feel better. I thought it was sssooo cute, and she was sssoooo sad, that I couldn't resist taking a picture! Well, I heve to head out to the shop and get more firewood in here, it really helps the furnace out, and I like the heat from the wood stove- it's sssooo cozy!
Anyway, I should go now, I have a ton of laundry to catch up on. We wish you all a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and may God continue to bless you in the year 2009!

1 comment:

  1. cute pics Karen! Nice family pic too. But we DID get the snow...unless it stopped at the border just for us igloo living Canadians:)
    I'm still impressed with your quilt, every though you used a 'trick'. If you didn't tell me I would be beyond amazed at you!!
    Merry Christams to you too...get better soon. If you need anything please let me know. Take care, my dear.
