So, been busy again! : ) I finally have the house in order again. I totally cleaned out the girls room and spare room this week. We bought the girls bunk beds, so I moved out the crib and toddler bed, and Andrew and I set up the bunk bed. They love them! Mikenzie stays in her bed pretty good, and is so proud that she can get out by herself when she wakes up. I moved the crib and toddler bed into the spare room, and cleaned that out also. I threw a lot of stuff out- basically the entire house was packed in these two rooms throughout the reno's, and we finally have them back! The girls room has only kid stuff in it, and there is even room for toys! (Yay!) The spare room still has a few things in it that will need to be moved- we need to put shelving up in the living room first though. Needless to say, it's a huge relief to have that done now.
We have also continued to work on the house, Andrew has been putting the brick up behind the fireplace, the beam is stained, and just needs a small piece of trim around it, the computer is moved into the first noock (sp?) in the living room with a built in desk, and yes, we have fast internet! I have also been changing around pictures and stuff, getting a new feel in some rooms. We're excited anyway!
Andrew is working in Bellingham half of this week, and will be there for a month, so he leaves around 6, and is back home by 3:30! Very nice change! He came home yesterday, and put up another bucket worth of bricks- the fireplace will take a while yet. : )
I hope to get some pictures in order this week yet, I had a bunch developed, and need to write on them, and place them in an album. I can't wait to have shelving up, and have the albums on them for people to peruse. Makes having them developed worth it- I always think, why do I bother, they go in a book, and no one sees them!- hopefully that will change sooner rather than later.
Our animals are good, the goats keep eating, and the kittens keep growing!
Can't think of much else... Dirk and Sandy are getting married on March 6th, Kyleigh is the flower girl, and Andrew is a groomsmen, so we will be busy with that soon. then it's of to Barrhead for Jeff's wedding! Come to think of it, I better finish Ali's flower girl dress! I have to fix the crinoline, and make the sash and then it's done. I should also get our papers in order and finish filing taxes... that's a good task for this afternoon, I have two extra kids right now, so I will wait till they are gone. Alright, so I guess that's it for now! Karen