Last night at 11:30 Mikenzie woke up coughing and wanting to come into my bed. Andrew had a random night shift (tonight too and then he's done~ its a grocery store and needs to be done "after hours") so I took her in bed with me. She kept me awake 2/3rds of the night as she could barely breathe, and constantly needed help with the asthma puffer and Nebulizer. We ran out of one of her puffers which seems to work well for her, but isn't supposed to "work" for a few hours to a few days after taking. The medicine that is supposed to help "right away" seems to take hours (at least 12 to kick in) so after a sleepless night, I canceled Kyleighs dentist appointment for today, and made an appointment for Mikenzie with the Asthma specialist.
She slept on the way there, and had improved on the drive, so the nurse said she thought Mikenzie "seemed healthy". Then the doc saw her, and also thought she seemed ok until he listened to her lungs and checked her pulse and something else (done through the finger, but not sure what it is) and then they found out she isn't getting enough oxygen, and needed oral steroids, some other drug, a few puffers, and a stronger medicine for her Nebulizer since the stuff we are using doesn't seem to help. The doc spent 1hr, 15 min with us, and ended up quite concerned.
The doc is pretty sure Mikenzie is Asthmatic all the time (yellow zone), but we/she doesn't know it since it's always been "normal". He figures that as soon as she gets any virus, she plummets down for the yellow zone (healthy non asthmatics are in the green zone) in to the Red zone, and that is why she reacts so badly, and get sick so fast.
We are going to start a "health plan" for her once she is done this bout, which will most likely have her on puffers every day.
I am VERY happy that once again, she is getting proper heath care, but is sucks casue she is still too young for the regular tests they do to determine how bad she is. As a result, it's more of a guessing game with doses and frequency.
Just so you get an idea of how bad she gets, she goes from talking normal sentences like normal kids to only being able to say a few words before having to take a breath again. Oh, and there is lots of crying, and what I sense as terror as she majorly struggles for every breath she gets.
Once home, she slept for 4 hrs while I sewed a Sleep Sack order cause "who knows what tomorrow will bring!" So hopefully she responds to the meds as she haas in the past, and makes a quick recovery.
Just thought I would update ya'll, and no we're not terrified for her or anything as this is pretty "normal" in our house. She is already coloring/playing with Kyleigh again, so we know she is on the mend!
Have a good night~next time there will be pics~ Karen
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
New pics for our room
It was a little hard to take pics of pics in a frame, but I think I managed! All of these~including the canvas, were taken by a friend of mine (masters touch photography) and Andrew and Myself. I picked up the frames at Ikea, and pulled some out of my stash. They were really a cost effective way to decorate our room. I love them! Finally things are coming together !

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Towers and Toys
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
It's been a while!
Oh wow, I didn't realize it had been a month and a half sine my last Post! I have been quite busy seiwng, and actually reorganized the entire house. Yep, that meant getting rid of Garbage bags of stuff to 2nd hand stores, and posting things on Craigslist for some Moolah. It was a cleanser that's for sure! Now things aren't really back to the grind stone just yet; the holiday season has it's challenges, weather it's trying to head to town for a few things, and getting stuck in traffic (not used to that around here) trying to keep the house warm(getting hard with the wood stove and the cold weather:2:00 am wake up to stoke the fire may need to start soon) or deciding how busy we want to be this holiday season with family events, normal visiting friends on weekends etc. Plus the "do I make Christmas baking cause"tis the season" or not- we don't really eat baking, but I love making stuff! Hmm, give it all away?
I haven't been taking too many pics, not much going on here family wise, just a lot of sewing (for others) and organizing. So, I think I will part, and maybe see if I can scrounge up a fe pics to post. TaTa for now!
I haven't been taking too many pics, not much going on here family wise, just a lot of sewing (for others) and organizing. So, I think I will part, and maybe see if I can scrounge up a fe pics to post. TaTa for now!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
New Bathroom Vanity!!!
This past Saturday we finally got a vanity for our mater Bathroom. Finally as in, it's been 2.5 yrs since we've been moved into our bedroom, and had only a toilet in our master bathroom. We ordered the vanity a few weeks ago, and D surprised us on Sat with it done, and wanting to install. We (I) was sssoo excited! As soon as it was done, I filled it up! Now I can curl my hair again!

Friday, October 23, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Lynden Fair
Back in the middle of August, we went to the Lynden Fair. Here are some pics of the fun day we had.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Ist vacations in oregon
Back in the middle of August we went down to Oregon with Andrew. That time, we stayed in a yurt. Here are some pics of it. Andrew finally brought his camera in the house, so I will be posting a few things that we did throughout the summer.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
2nd vactation in Oregon
The girls and I just came back today from visiting Andrew in Oregon. We had a lot of fun, and a nice relaxing time! We stayed in the same resort as we did the frist time, but this time in a cabin. The cabin had one bedroom that slept 5, a bathroom, and a great room (maybe the size of the kids room) that had a small kitchen, table and chairs, and aa couch. It was quite cozy, and despite it's size, we ad a lot of room, and didn't feel crowded. We swam in the pool, goofed around, read books, and watched TV. Bed time was generally early since Andrew would fall asleep by 9:30 anyway. I would either read (Arguing with Idiots- Glenn Beck) of do my Sudoku puzzle book. I took my sewing machine with me, but only ended up sewing one day. I made the girls slippers. They turned out to be quite slippery on the wooden floor of the cabin, so they spent some time "skating" too. On our last full day there, I treated the girls to ice cream- since that's what they remembered from when we stayed there in the summer. They even remembered where to find them in the store! Here are a few pics from the trip.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Lake Padden
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Here and there
We've been busy around here, just with normal life. Bible study has started up again, and it seems everyone is getting back into the normal schedule.
Andrew is still working out in Oregon during the week. Some weeks are Mon- thursday night, most Mon -Friday, and this past week was Mon-Saturday. He will be done there in a few weeks, and then will be in town.
I've been busy with sewing- I actually just sold 2 sleep sacks to a lady in Ireland! I am quite excited about that. The sleep sacks are selling really well lately. I have been working on getting a pattern ready to sell. That takes up a lot of brain power, it seems to consume me- trying to figure out the best, most cost effective way to go. Hopefully it will be ready for selling by mid October~ I'll keep you posted!
Not much else has gone one here. Mikenzie is talking more and more, learning new words and how to use them all the time. Kyleigh is still your typical 4 yr old. she's starting to get interested in learning hoe to spell her name, and figure out letter and numbers. anyway, I should get going, time to help Andrew pack up for this week. Here are a few random pics.
Andrew is still working out in Oregon during the week. Some weeks are Mon- thursday night, most Mon -Friday, and this past week was Mon-Saturday. He will be done there in a few weeks, and then will be in town.
I've been busy with sewing- I actually just sold 2 sleep sacks to a lady in Ireland! I am quite excited about that. The sleep sacks are selling really well lately. I have been working on getting a pattern ready to sell. That takes up a lot of brain power, it seems to consume me- trying to figure out the best, most cost effective way to go. Hopefully it will be ready for selling by mid October~ I'll keep you posted!
Not much else has gone one here. Mikenzie is talking more and more, learning new words and how to use them all the time. Kyleigh is still your typical 4 yr old. she's starting to get interested in learning hoe to spell her name, and figure out letter and numbers. anyway, I should get going, time to help Andrew pack up for this week. Here are a few random pics.
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